Saturday 12 September 2015

How To Add Icons In Blogger blog Navigation Menu

Today i will teach you how you can easily add icons in your blog navigation menu, just like on my website.You can also use such icons on other places like in the tab menu which i had posted before.Its much easy and don't need much time just you need to follow the below given steps.

Firstly go to Blogger >> Template >> Edit HTML and search for </head> and just above it paste the following code.
<link rel="stylesheet" href="//"/>
Note: If your theme already installed the above code than just leave this step.

Now on that place where you want the icon to appear paste the following piece of code.
<i class="fa fa-facebook-official"></i> 
This is the "fa fa" code for Facebook icon you can easily get other icons from the official site Click here

After clicking on the above link you will see different icons there. Just click on the icon which you want to use and a code will appear similar to the above. Just paste that code at the place where you want the icon to appear.

If you face any kind of problem while adding these icons than just comment below.

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