Saturday 12 September 2015

How to Make All Links To Open In New Tab Automatic In Blogger

When a webmaster write an article surely there are many links in it related to the articles, but if by clicking the link it opens in the same tab than the visitors surely dislike this. For making all of your links to open in the new tab so the visitors will enjoy your article along with the link you have provided i am going to share an awesome post related to this subject.

Opening links in the same tab is also not good for your blog SEO and it will surely decrease your blog traffic as the links was opened after closing your site visitor will get a little time to spend on your site and you will not able to tell the visitors that your site have a lot of content to read and share.

How To Make All Blogger Blog Links To Open In New Tab?

As always , please go to dashboard and select your blog
Select Template and click Edit HTML,
Find </head> (By pressing ctrl + F simultaneously to facilitate the search code )
Put the following code above the </head>
<base target= ' _ blank '/>
Save the template and see the results
You just need to add the code target = ' _ blank ' in the url of your blog , so if you wants to make only the menu to open in new tabs , on each link of the menu add the code target = ' _ blank ' for example : <a href = " link " target = " _ blank " > example </a>

Well how its is? Making All Links To Open In New Tab Automatic In Blog? Leave your reviews in the comments below

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