Saturday 12 September 2015

How To Optimized Blogger Traffic

How to Increase Blogger Blog Traffic
Today this is my first post on my website and i will teach you how you can easily increase your website traffic, i hope you will understand it well and don't forget to leave your reviews here about my first post .

User Friendly Blog
As that term is related to the design of the developed site, but actually it is very important because once penguin find what they need on the website, they will remain discus for a long time. If the user is satisfied with the web site, they will save it as a favorite.

Blog Design
One important thing to be considered is the website design, clean design with optimized image can inspire visitors and search engines can crawl faster than the website which contain a large images, which take a long time to load, also the design must be flexible that can be modified easily which allow you to customize your website.

Blog Navigation
Navigation is very important to search engine and webpages to be linked to each other so that the user can easily reach any page on the website.The best way to unify the pages of your website is to create a menu that is located on every web page so that visitors can easily explore your site.

Some important widgets
Always add a related post widget just below the posts on your website this will allow users to easily reach to your previous post and don't forget to add recent or random post widget on your website.

Use Other Websites For Promotion
You can easily promote your website just by by uploading a unique introduction video related to your site on all the best video hosting sites like on "YouTube" and "Daily Motion".Also don't forget to add some information about your site in video description.

Hope it is useful ...

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