Saturday 12 September 2015

How To Redirect Old Blog URL To New Blog In Blogger Blog

Good night bloggers, this time I will share the way for Diverting Old  Blog URL to New Blog.

This method is useful for those who have just changed the domain or create a new blog and want to divert visitors from the old blog that already has traffic sources from organic search results as well as of back links to your new blog.

So how you can do this?

Ok, here I give you three different ways to transfer the blog url to other blogs.

The first way is to apply the java script code into your blog template

Log in to Blogger >>> Open and click Edit HTML Templates >>> Apply code below just below the <head>
<Script type = 'text / javascript'>
  var d = '<data: blog.url />';
  d = d.replace (/.*\/\/[^\/]*/, '');
  location.href = '';
</ Script>
In the above java script code written is destination link, please replace it with a link of your blog.

Second way is still by using the application java script code which is not different from the code of the way first.
if (window.location.href == '')
window.location = "http//";
</ Script>
And the third way to use the application meta refresh tag on the blog template that will be transferred.
<Meta content = '5; url =' http-equiv = 'refresh' />
Content = 5 above is the lag time required when a blog url diverted to other blogs. Please change as you wish and not to give the value of the Content = 0.

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